Hands-On Medicine Concierge Service

Any time, any place.

In today’s busy world, where medical advances are being made daily, one needs someone to help sort through what is good medicine, what is practical medicine and what is good for you as an unique individual. 

Additionally, there are advances in Alternative Medicine where similar complexities can confront and perplex any individual. In a Concierge Medical Practice, we take the time to explain the options, so that each individual can make an educated decision as to what best suits his or her needs. If necessary, we can assist by researching the specific treatment you have in mind so that a well formulated medical plan can be achieved. 

In our current medical environment, where people tend to have to choose between Traditional Medicine or Alternative Medicine, there is a need for an Integrative Concierge Practice. This is where Hands-On Medicine steps in. As an Osteopathic Physician, initially trained in Traditional and Alternative Medicine, there has never been a need to choose one form of medicine over another. Using both forms of medicine is the norm for Hands-On Medicine. In short, we do what is right for the patient!

As an individual enrolled in the Concierge services, you have greater accessibility to your Provider. A visit to the office can usually be arranged for that day or the next business day. Emergent after hour calls can be facilitated. Additionally, at times it can be a challenge to leave the home. Whether this challenge is due to being ill or other reasons such as lack of child care or just convenience, a home visit can also be arranged. Unexpectedly, some individuals may need after hour home visits. At Hands-On Medicine this can all be arranged.

Medical jargon is used all too freely in explaining a medical diagnosis or procedure. Unfortunately all to often this method is used when family members or individuals themselves have to undergo a procedure or are hospitalized. At times life and death decisions have to be made and it is expected of individuals to understand everything in a five minute lecture what it took the treating Provider many years to learn. No one would even sign for a cell phone plan without knowing what they are signing about. Yet, when it comes to an individual’s or loved-one’s health they are expected to take a life risk with a five minute lesson saturated with medical jargon. This is where Hands-On Medicine Concierge Services assists. We can sit down with you and discuss their reports, diagnosis and procedures. If needed, we can try to reach out to the treating physician to try and get a clearer picture of their assessment and plan of care/procedure that is being considered. If the individual feels that there is benefit, at times a hospital visit may be arranged. Additionally, a discussion can be had as to what is truly likely the best for the individual. For example, if one has a stiff neck, do they really need Valium (a muscle relaxant) or would they benefit more from Osteopathic Medicine?

When on vacation and an unforeseen illness affects an individual, there are times when they will feel more comfortable with a Physician that is known and trusted. In this  scenario, the local Provider will not be able to assist as there is no solid foundation between the two parties. Hands-On Medicine Concierge Services is the mechanism that this individual can feel well taken care of. In addition to a phone or face time consultation, a personal visit can at times be arranged, if needed.

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